TTA- First School Memory

It says to tell about your first day of school but honestly does anyone remember that? That was over 20 years ago! I do have a kindergarten memory though (for all you foreigner's Kindergarten is where 5 year olds go in the US it's the first year of school)

There was this boy, Robbie Bybee and he was in the terms of a 5 year old 'cute' (my parents were a little worried at how early I started noticing boys, by the way). I remember being in class in a circle with all the other kids and talking to my neighbor/childhood/current/dear friend Rinda (well we were whispering) about how much we liked Robbie.

I got in trouble for talking (I always had talking marks on my report cards, it was a constant complaint of my teachers) and was sent to my table to put my head on the desk. I was so embarrassed and angry that I sat at the table thinking of all the horrible things that a 5 year old can wish on an adult. I finally came up with the idea that I would get my teacher, Mrs. Manning, fired.

That was about when she told me I could come join everyone again and I didn't budge, I stubbornly kept my head on the table until she said something along the lines of 'You can stay there if you want.' I really didn't want to so I came and sat back down with everyone.

That's all I remember. But I will tell you that Robbie Bybee was always a hottie, he was one of the kids that dated the cheerleaders and never noticed people like me. I'm fine with that. He also had it pretty rough as a child. When we were still in elementary school his mother and brothers were hit by a train and all but one were killed. That left him and I think 2 brothers and his father.

Rinda makes me dreadfully jealous. She is beautiful, happy and a world traveler, she has lived in Venezuela (she went on a mission for our church), backpacked across Europe, taught English in China twice, and went to school in Hawaii, where she met her wonderful husband and now has a beautiful baby.

Neither of us ever dated Robbie.


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