March Theme: Book Review

So I didn't have a theme for February. I guess I was being lazy (or sick or something) but as I lay in bed thinking I decided I would do some book reviews of my favorites for you all.

So here I go!

Perhaps the most well known work by Dodie Smith is "The Hundred and One Dalmatian's," but I've never read that one. What I know (and love) this particular writer for is her book "I Capture the Castle."

Set in diary form, this is the story of a teen girl on the brink of everything. Except that it's been awhile since her dad paid the rent on the castle they tenant, and her eccentric family doesn't seem to care that he's been locking himself away for long hours without explanation. Things are only compounded when the heirs of their long lost landlord pop in for an unexpected visit.

Cassandra is the diaries owner and most avid patron. In its pages she unfolds the moments in adolescence when childhood is swept away by the concerns and cares of an adult. That which once seemed important becomes silly and trivial matters grow into genuine concerns.

At first I didn't like the restrictiveness of this writing style. I really like books that show me the entire situation, and you just don't get that with a diary format. It was, however, an incredibly good book, a relaxing read with plenty of humor and love to satisfy my palate.

All in all I'd give this book a 4 out of 5.

So if you've read it (or decide to now) tell me what you think.


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