Kid Funnies


Albowin while playing by himself: 

"Are you a bad guy?"

"No, my eyes just glow sometimes when I'm mad."


Vicbowin after learning why she couldn't read the 4th Harry Potter till she was older.

"I wish the fourth one wasn't so heavy."

"Where on earth did you learn that word?"

"Heavy? I've always known it."

"Yes, but in that context!?"


Me to Albowin: "What are you doing?"

Albowin: "Sticking my fingers in my nose."


Vicbowin to me:

"All you ever do is sit on your computer! If you like it so much then why don't you just sleep with it then?"

(note: She got in LOTS of trouble for this and is now 'practicing' talking nice by saying every prayer and reading every scripture and being the general family spokesperson for the next week.)


Albowin upon coming in the house with a mouth covered in blood:

Me: "What happened!?"

Albowin: "I stuck my lips on the light pole, Mom, and when I pulled them off it hurt. And now I'm bleeding."

(It was 5*F outside)


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