Procrastination Nation

Good morning my fine friends. I have so much to do today that it's slightly ridiculous, but the fun doesn't really begin until this afternoon. At 3P Albowin has a doctor's appointment (I hate late Dr. appt's), then at 4:30 Vicbowin has to be at the church for an activity of her own that goes until 6P. After I pick her up, I have to rush home, get everyone fed... who will all be hungry ogres by then.... and then rush off again for Vicbowin's last softball game at 7:45.

But before then I really have to work on some words to say when I speak in front of my congregation on Sunday. What's my topic? Unity in the Gospel. What do I have written? One paragraph. Not my typical I assure you, usually the words come out of my head faster than my fingers can type but not with this one. I'm struggling with this one.

I also have to prepare a lesson for Sunday because I get the privilege of not only talking in front of everyone, but I get to teach the lesson later on!

You might be wondering what I've been up to this week if I knew I had to do all of that today? Well... yesterday I created a new blog.

That's right staple a sign to my head and call me a procrastinator.

But about my new blog.

I'm excited to present to you askCannwin.

askCannwin is a blog where you, the reader, can pose any question your heart desires to the blogger, me, and get an answer. How much fun is that? I'm like 'Dear Abby!'

Questions can be anonymous if you want, but I'd really appreciate if we kept this all fun and not creepy. :)

So hop on over and ask away. I'm so very excited to see what comes of this.


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