Some More Kids Funnies

Albowin:I don't like toast.

Elizabeth: This isn't toast, it's a grilled cheese sandwich.

Albowin: Still, is the bread cooked?

Elizabeth: Yeah.

Albowin: I don't like cooked bread.

Mischievite: Do you want some of my gum?

Me: Sure.

Mischievite breaks off some of his ABC gum and gives it to me... I plop it in my mouth.

Me: There's no flavor left in this.

Vicbowin: Are you eating his gum?

Me: Yeah.

Vicbowin: Um, Mom... he found that on my floor.


Albowin: You almost made me push my eye in!


Albowin to Mischievite: No coffee isn't when you cough... its something that some people drink.

V: I'm not going to school looking like a person who doesn't have Squinkee's!


Saimi said…
Ah you just gotta love em' I bet they keep your day interesting!!
Jennifer said…
Oh, no. Squinkies look like something my kids would adore, and then leave all over the house, crying lots when the dog chewed them up. They haven't hit here yet, thank goodness. If only I thought my luck could hold,
Myya said…
The whole gum thing had me cracking up. Guess you got the short end of that stick huh! I think kids saying things are some of my favorite posts. They just have no censor & no boundries :)

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