52 Photos- Friday #1

For Photo #1 (of my new project--see below) I chose a cute one of the babies out in the red rock of Southern Utah. It constituted a fun 15 minute excursion in which the Mischievite, while pretending to fall, actually fell down a rock and rolled several feet before being able to catch himself (very scary) and Remewin got the pretty little rump of her new outfit all dirty. It was fun nonetheless and now I have a photo by which to remember myself screaming as my 4 year old rolled away from me.

You ever see those years worth of photos that people do on their blogs?

They totally bore me.

So I decided to do one.

Actually, my thought processing went something like this:

>> I'm writing for too many places at once, I have to give somewhere... but I don't want to stop working on any blogs.

>> I kind of like the idea of just taking one day a week to show a photo, how about Friday!

>> This'll work really well right now since my Ralexwin is going to be gone for the next year-ish and how nice would it be for him to see photos.

>>Alright I'll do it... but only if I can write about each photo.

>>Hmm, I think that defeats the purpose of curbing my writing.

>>Dang it.

Anyway, once that seed was planted it was only a matter of time before I broke down. So today I'm announcing the beginning of a new project here at my blog.

52 Photos

If anyone wants to play along with me you can... If you want I'll even add a Mr. Linky thing. Just say the words!


Brianna said…
So....I totally follow your blog. You have no excuse not to follow mine!

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