Not sure yet... let me type, and we’ll find out.

My friend and I were talking about music the other day. About how it affects our lives (effects? affects? whichever). That listening to, say, angry music tends to leave us in a sour mood.

We both decided however that certain types of music can also be an outlet for those exact feelings we are trying to dispel. Like rock, I have been through phases in my life where I just don’t desire to listen to a guitar, drums and pounding bass. Then I hear a song and I’m enthralled, and I want more.

Cause there’s nothing like popping in a CD, cranking up the sound and letting the pounding noise wash out all other thought and feeling.

My mom is very sensitive to music, when I was a teenager this drove me NUTS! She couldn’t handle songs like ’Killing Me Softly’, which I loved at that time... Hmm, I haven’t heard that in a while... It actually caused her pain, emotional pain to listen to such a sad song.

I didn’t understand this at all and it made driving in the car with her a real pain. But then again, there was music I’d rather she not hear me listening to. I remember on one occasion when she walked in the room moment’s before I knew the music was going to stop and the song was going to exclaim "You look for ******* stupid." I’ve never lunged for the CD player as fast as I did that day... I missed and she absolutely lost it with me. (enough that I still remember it clearly)

So, some of the groups I liked as a teen? Sublime, 311, Bush, Green Day, Nirvana... Now not so much, but I still find myself attracted to that type now a day’s I go for a good catchy song by Evanescence (sp?) or Maroon 5 or 3 Doors Down or Nickelback. But only when interspersed with other, softer music.

How will I feel about my children’s choices of music? I’m not sure, but I think I’ll probably end up like my mom and my children will be flying across their bedrooms to catch the song before it pours out explitives to my ’fragile’ ears. But maybe I’ll be okay as long as it’s not rap. *wink*

Who knows. Maybe I ought to just remember that music is a way to vent feelings that otherwise build up painfully inside. And as a teenager, there are a lot of those sorts of feelings.


Ethan Farmer said…
Affect. Affect is a verb, effect is a noun.

I'll take rap over country any day of the week.

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