A Suitcase Full of Books

My sister was beside herself when she came home last night, she'd been perusing through garage sale ads in the newspaper and had found one particular announcement. A local second-hand store was having a book sale, if you could fill a suitcase with books you could buy it all for $2.50. So today my sister, my kids and I all loaded into the truck and drove down. An hour, and two sore backs later, we could be seen dragging our $5 worth of books across the parking lot.

I have an addiction, well, I have many addiction's really but books are at the top of the list. I recently had to go into the doctor for some abdominal pain, as is routine he asked me a list of questions to discover my current health.

"Do you smoke?"


"Do you drink alchohol?"


"Do you use any recreational drugs?"


The doctor smiled and without breaking stride asked:

"Do you have any vices at all?"

"I read to much."

He laughed, I smiled, but I really wasn't joking. I'm completely taken over by a good book. I might not have the look that one would generally associate with a bookworm, but I'm telling you now, I am. True blue through and through.

If you could have seen me tugging that extra large, blue suitcase out of the store today you would have known. One lady, upon seeing my plight, laughingly teased, "Most people fill those with money."

Not me, not my sister's and probably not my brother's, mom or dad. I think the only thing we might trade a suitcase full of books for would be a ticket to a foreign country. It really says a lot about us.

So what would you pay $2 to fill a suitcase with?


Lisa said…
I would pay $2 to fill a suitcase up with books as well.

Also anything that contains sugar. I have a bit of an addiction.

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