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I need a job.

Robert will be starting Law School in less than a month and it states in his contract that he can't work more than 20 hours a week (and in his Freshman year he's not supposed to work at all). So it falls to me to bring in some money.

I haven't had a job in six years.

Secretly I'd love to be able to support the family with my writing, I'm not so convinced that's a feasible plan yet, so it's back to the grindstone. I'm really nervous.

It's not like I haven't been doing the toughest job in the world.

No one yells at me for screwing up in my current work. The worst that happens is they refuse to eat their dinner or maybe once in a while try to hit me. They can't fire me though, they can't call me at home and yell at me for making a mistake (I've had that happen before). Kids aren't as intimidating as a boss, at least not anymore.

I suppose if you really look at it, I have the same responsibilities, now, without the pay.

I'm required to clean; I could be a housekeeper. I'm required to cook good meals; I could be a chef. I accommodate large groups over night; I could go back to hotel work. I am well versed in the children's literature; bookstores, libraries. I lose large amounts of money in less than an hour at the grocery store; hmm, do they have a job for that?

Why am I so scared!? I've got this thing in the bag. All I need to do is find a job I'll enjoy.

I think I should make a list of things I want in a job:

1. Part time, no more than 3 days a week.

2. Evenings.

3. No Sundays

4. More than minimum wage.

5. Fun environment. (I've been thinking it might be fun to deliver pizza... what do you guys think?)

Anyone have any suggestions?


Sara said…
Try the local newspaper office--see what jobs are available. You would probably enjoy interviewing and writing articles! I know in AZ they need freelance writers--and you could even stay at home most of the time.
Lisa said…
I can't believe someone called you at home to tell you that you messed up. What a jerk. Or did you deserve it? Wink.

I like what Sara said, or maybe you could get left-overs from your pizza job and save big on groceries! I'm a genius. He he.
Cannwin said…
Robert thinks I should be a Calvin Klein model. I didn't know they took stretch marks and spare tires, but maybe I'm wrong. ;)

Hmm, the newspaper? Sounds a little exciting/intimidating. I'll have to look into it.

And how smart Lisa, I'll need to save on grocery bills if I'm the only one working. lol

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