
It's time to come out of the closet, to make a confession. Everyone better sit down...

I'm a Democrat. I'm a conservative but a democratic one.

I'm anti-abortion, pro-marriage amendment. Anti-capital punishment, pro-gun control. I was anti-going into Iraq, but now I'm pro-finishing what we've started. I'm pro-taxes on the top 1%, pro-government health insurance. I'm anti-ANWR drilling, pro-alternative fuels.

And my family doesn't have a clue.

My sister will be shocked, my dad might keel over, my friends might stop speaking to me but it's time I stop hiding it from everyone.

I like Obama.

I like the environment and I don't mind trying to protect it.

I like embracing culture and diversity.

I like peace.

I like the idea of a government who lifts it's people so that the people can lift their government.

I believe that the job of the government is to sustain and protect it's people.

So today I have decided it's time to show my true blue and say:

Viva La Democrats! Yes We Can!


Lisa said…
I still like you.

I have my very strong oppinions about everything, but my friends and families different views never get to me.

I agree with a few of your ideas, and Jared probably agrees with other ones.
Anonymous said…
I have been trying for years to Hannitize her, I fear I have failed miserably. But it goes to show that even a democrat can make an excellent wife and mother.
Anonymous said…
you have forced my hand. i have taken the time to get myself registered so that i can leave a comment and believe me it has taken time. in fact i'm out of time now. my kids are swarming. so i will just say, Does this mean that you are no longer writing in Romney's name???
Cannwin said…
I just knew that would get you, Ivy. hahaha.

No, I fully intend to write in Romney's name. I cannot in all good conscience vote for Obama because I cannot vote for abortion. I also, really like Romney, I like his Health Care plan and I like his idea's on how to reform our nation. I think everyone should write in Romney, just so we can make a statement.

A statement that says "WE are the government, WE decide who is in office and WE don't agree with these two candidates."

A statement that says "It's time we had someone worth voting for on the ballot and if we aren't going to get it, then we'll vote for the person who deserves it."

I feel very strongly about this one Ivy, so yes, I'll still vote Romney.

mommy said…
Wow Charity, I had no idea! Although I think most surprising was that you are pro-gun control. Weird... from a military family I just wouldn't expect it.

But, I still like you too. :)
Cannwin said…

We're discussing gun control over on the 'certain inalienable rights' blog if you really want to see what I think. ;)

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