South Dakota Part 3: Signs Along the Way

The Adventures of Cannwin.
Welcome and enjoy the ride.
Although I didn't get to stop at Little Big Horn (note the light) I just had to get a picture. While we were out of the car photographing, probably 5 minutes max, about 20 mosquito's got into the car and sent my daughter into a fit. She was beside herself with fear over the 'bloodsucking' bugs. It was really overkill and we might have lied a bit when we said they went to sleep at night and only came out at dusk. The rest of the trip she kept asking, "Is it dusk yet?"

Now someone tell me what's wrong with this picture... I want you to figure it out. I think I'll give you all 24 hours. It took me a bit to catch it myself, but when I did, oh, the laughter.

We drove 1800 miles in 4 days, with three kids under 7 years old. 'nuf said.

It says 'WALL DRUG 150 MILES'. Now who puts a billboard up 150 miles from their store? I'll tell you who, these guys:

We counted these, in one direction, there were 47 signs. We left Rapid City and saw a Wall Drug sign. Remember that mileage sign above? Rapid City is more than 300 miles from where we were, this place was about 1/2 hour out of Rapid City. But then we went to Wall Drug:

The place was pretty cool.

It was one of those memorable experiences that people don't soon forget. One of those moments you have to show slides of, and force your friends and family to endure. But then at the end, you can say 'Thanks, guys and:"


Sara said…
You brave woman! I bet that was a fun car trip. I guess that means I can't visit you near Yellowstone Park anymore :(
Cannwin said…
Yep, no more Yellowstone. I guess we ought to go there one last time. It was nice being so close. But now we'll be so much closer to Church History sites. That'll be fun. Like Winter Quarter's.
The Paynes said…
Toe service? Is that like a pedicure?
Cannwin said…
E- I forgot about that! Yep, I thought that was so funny. And it was on at least two of their signs. lol, someone needs to complain or go back to school.

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