So... What Happened at the Interview?

I got the job! I start on Tuesday. Woohoo, money coming in.


Winsor said…
Congratulations! I don't envy you though. I would much rather be at home with Easton than at work.
Anonymous said…
That's great! That means they must have agreed to your strict conditions. Even better.
Polly Blevins said…
I never doubted you for a minute. Of course you got it, you are well qualified for it. Congratulations!
Lisa said…
Cool. Did they meet your schedule requests? I envy you a bit. I wish I could find a little job that could bring in some extra dough.
Cannwin said…
My major request was not Sundays. She, of course, said she couldn't make any promises. I said I was willing to fill in on Sunday evenings if someone was sick or something but I wasn't going to be available for constant work. She wrote it down. It's the first time I've ever put my foot down about it, so we'll see if I have to throw a fit or not. It's nice being in so much control.

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