Tuesday Tell All

Can you feel it? Fall is in the air. What do like about fall and the changing seasons? Is there something you don't like about it?

Autumn is definitely my favorite season (well, okay I like spring too) because it has that feel of change in the air, of snow to come and warm nights with fire crackling. It means sweaters, sweatshirts, boots and coats.

It means pulling out the clothes you haven't worn in a while and closeting the ones your getting sick of.

It's cuddling in bed and enjoying the warmth of newly dried clothes and pulling out all the throws and quilts

It's a steaming hot shower then racing to get dressed (lest the cold overcome you).

It's sniffles and scarves and frost on the windows. But the sun still shines and the afternoons are still warm (ish). It's Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) and Halloween (I get so sick of pumpkin smasher's).

It's oven baked goodies and thick soups and stews.

It's raking leaves of amazing colors! All around you orange and red, yellow and brown. In Arizona we didn't experience fall as drastically as up north and I really missed that. Now I can enjoy every moment of it. Until the snow starts to fall and the world goes to sleep and we wait.

Yes, I think fall is my favorite season.


Lisa said…
I love it because there is an unexplained magic in the air. You can't help but feel happy when you get a whiff of it.
Anonymous said…
I like the feeling of change that comes with fall. Expectation, that's what i like. I like it for about 2-3 weeks during the end of August and the beginning of September. Then fall sets in more and i see leaves start to turn. I don't like leaves turning. It means freezing temps that will last for a long time. There is so much more beauty in spring. It doesn't last long enough.

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