Caught! Red Handed

My little boy is such a gem. He's 99.9% of the time a perfect kid, he rarely cries, rarely fights, and often eats everything on his plate (without throwing anything!). BUT when he does decide to be mischievous, the kid goes all out. Take, for instance, the time we were outside cleaning out the garage (this was last week) when I decided it had been awfully quiet inside for a little to long. So, all muddy as I was, I trudged into the house to see what was going on, and what did I discover?

Mr. Munchkin Boy had emptied an entire pitcher of juice on the table and was gleefully playing in it (on the table... he was on the table). Now who on earth left the juice on the table is beyond me (I'll blame someone else) but he was covered in red.

I chuckled at the metaphor, cleaned up the mess and shuffled him outside to show his dad (who chuckled as well). We just had to get a picture for posterity sake. He's such a cutie.


Lisa said…
Wow. Literally, red-handed. I love stories about your kids. I tell Jared and he thinks they are so funny.
Polly Blevins said…
That is funny. I know you don't like doing too many pictures but think about us...your kids grow up so fast and we hardly ever get to see them. Give us more visuals please. They are so adorable.
Winsor said…
He looks so different from when I saw him last - growing so fast.

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