I Ain't No Monkey's Uncle: A Bloggers Discussion on Evolution

"Recently, biologists have suggested that females could benefit from mating with many men - it would increase the genetic diversity of their children, and, if a high quality man would not stay with them forever, they might at least get his excellent genes for their child."
Huh? This is about the most mind boggling comment I've ever heard. Oh, my hell ('scuse the language... but really).
Who wants to bet a man came up with that idea?
Let's discuss. I know a lot of people make the argument that science disproves God, but I've always been of the mind that true science would (and does) lead us to God. Examples of my theory.
How long did it take the world to be created? No one really knows but the theory is that one day in God's time is a thousand years on Earth. Okay, so God created animals how many days before he created man? Could not dinosaurs have lived during this most tumultuous of periods (I really don't know, I'm just theorizing).
Or what about evolution? I don't think that evolution, in general, is so off. I think they are pretty accurate when they say that we adapt to our environment, that we grow and change and that we have instinctual behaviors. Any mother whose saved her child from a dangerous situation knows very well that she's not that different from a mother bear. But
I do not believe that I came from an ape.
And what about the last days, and the destruction spoken of?
Lets just think about this for a moment, you've got a man who has a vision and then writes it down. He lives in a time where there are no cars, and no planes. He lives when the field of science was still blossoming into what we have today and he describes things as he knows them. Where does it say that the sun (or is it moon) will be blood red?
Have you ever seen the sun shine through the haze of a forest fire?
Or during an eclipse?
No, I don't think that Science disproves God. Nor do I think that we are animals whose sole purpose on this Earth is to breed the next generation and then die. There is so much more to it than that, and it's startling to hear people, scientists! Say otherwise.
What do you think?


Lisa said…
Whoever wrote that quote is an idiot. Sleeping around does not produce better people. I'm at a loss for words beyond that.

I wonder how my husband would react to this suggestion? Mmm...

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