On This Day Part 1 (of 2)

Today is my beautiful baby girl's birthday. She turns 7 and I just can't believe it. She is my first born child, the poor creature that has endured her parents learning from her. She is a ball of fire and spirit liable to explode in one direction or the other at a moments notice.
Her favorite color changes daily, she is trying to learn to play the piano and she is in her second year of ballet.

Her first word was 'Hooray!' and she took her first steps at 9 months. At 3 years old she learned how to write her name and by 4 she had learned how to read. When she started Kindergarten, at almost 6, she was already reading at a second grade level (her poor teacher didn't know what to do with her). She loves to read and has already started quite the collection of books (a family trait).

Today she is 7 and is excited that she gets to stay up as late as she wants (family tradition). Tomorrow she will be a wreck, and will likely refuse to do anything I tell her to do. She will probably run into her room screaming, "You don't love me! No one loves me!" (which she knows sets me off). But I don't mind a tantrum or two because I am forever grateful to the great Giver that bestowed this beautiful girl upon us, but I am sad He lets her grow up so fast.


Lisa said…
I can't believe how grown up she looks. She's not the toddler I remember.

Happy Birthday to you!
Unknown said…
Wow, she's a cutie... so is she the one with the discerning taste in Halloween costumes??
Cannwin said…
The one and only... she loves being girly.
mommy said…
Holy cow! I can't believe she is so big! I remember when I was pregnant with Adalyn and she asked me why my belly was so big. I told her there was a baby inside and she said "But there are no toys in there." Such a cutie!
Jamie said…
Happy Birthday, Boston! I really miss you and I hope you had a great birthday. I made you some presents, but my mom hasn't mailed them yet (because she's a slow-poke who hates the post office-ed.)Tell Alexander that Heidi misses him, too, and wishes him a happy birthday! Love, Addie

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