
Have I done this one before? I can't remember but if I have, forgive me.

What was I doing 10 years ago?-- that would be. . . 1998
1. Moving to Utah to live with my brother
2. Working as a Hostess in a fun little restaurant that isn't there anymore *sniffles*
3. Trying to graduate from High School
4. Saving up my money to go to Italy
5. Meeting my best friend Kazia

What are 5 things on my to do list today?
1. Finish a second sketch of a controversial topic to write my essay on (for class)
2. Finish those fingerless gloves I've started crocheting. -finished-- see below
3. Go to grocery store and get a pumpkin.
4. Find out if I have to pick the kids up tommorrow or not.
5. Don't forget to write down that I have a meeting with my teacher on Friday.

What are my 5 favorite snacks? (in no particular order)
1. Goldfish crackers
2. Reese's Pieces
3. Oreo's
4. Ravioli's -- I know, not really a snack but I can seriously make them one!
5. Anything I don't have to cook

What 5 things would I do if I were a millionaire?
1. Pay off debt and house.
2. Invest (well, maybe not right now but presuming the market were worth investing in)
3. Fix up the house and yard... Concrete driveway woo hoo!
4. Buy some new clothes.
5. Buy new beds for the kids.

5 places I have lived:
1. Utah
2. Arizona
3. Idaho
4. Montana
5. Washington (I don't remember this but it still counts!)

5 jobs I have had:
1. Day care at a ski area
2. Picking raspberries
3. Hostess at a restaurant
4. Front Desk at a hotel
5. CNA (for 3 days)

5 people I tag:
1. hmm A Jen Too Many (did I write that correctly?)
2. Teresa S.
3. Jamie M.
4. Polly (if she hasn't done it yet)
5. And to mix it up a bit, CJ (if CJ wants to)


Anonymous said…
Great gloves. What made you think of crocheting gloves?
Unknown said…
I agree, nice gloves.

And thank you for the invite. Not my style of post but I will "play" in my comment:

~10 years ago I was just starting my career. ~Favorite snack is Doritos. ~If I was a millionaire I would travel to Italy. ~I've lived in NY. ~To do list: work on my outline for NaNo.

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