Tuesday Tell All- Top Five Celebs

List your top five favorite celebrities and why you like them. It can be someone from the past, present, or anywhere in between. Have fun!

Eww, this ones a tough one because I really don't get to interested in celebrities. I can really get into the characters they play but once you learn a little about the person you don't like them so much. But I suppose celebrity can be anyone famous and not limited to actors.

In no particular order:

1. Andrean Sudbury
I first heard of this man when I was in England and I began to read his blog. I think he had an affect on me because he was my age, even a little younger when the cancer hit him. He really used his last days to do good in the world. He faced death straight in the eyes and walked towards it. I can't imagine how terrifying that would be, but he seemed to handle it well and I really grieved when he died, even though I didn't know him. I still grieve I suppose. He was a very brave man.

2. Abigail Adams
Because I can relate to her, surprisingly enough, and I know that she dealt with a lot to support her husband. She loved him dearly and was able to allow him the freedom he needed to be the great man that he was. She didn't hinder him, she lifted him, and sacrificed to do so.

3. Martin Luther King Jr.
I recently read a book of his speeches, it was moving, it was enlightening. This was a man who knew what the cost might be and chose to follow what he believed in anyway. While he lived he moved mountains. You should read his works they are incredible. A martyr is "a person who is put to death or endures great suffering on behalf of any belief, principle, or cause". MLK fit this criteria.

4. Viggo Mortensen
*blush* Because I think Aragorn is about the hottest character in any book and Viggo does a great job putting him to life.

5. Robert Jordan
Because he wrote good books and introduced me to the world of Fantasy.

Well, that's my quick list. Maybe tomorrow I'll think 'Golly, I should have said ______' but today that's what I've got.


Anonymous said…
Carey Grant (top of my favorite actor list)
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers (I like them both but they're best together)
Katherine Hepburn (not all of her movies but many)
Charity, your list is better than mine.
It's hard to find celebs that i admire. I guess i'm a tough critic. I can say that i like these actors but i mean i just like their acting. As you say when you really find out about them.....
I don't know why Spencer Tracy's wife didn't just divorce him. What a blatant disregard they both had for her. Can you imagine being called by your husbands mistress to tell you that he is dead? I don't know, maybe she had someone else she spent time with too.
TerĂ©sa said…
Ah, we both had Abigail Adams. Seems great minds think alike.

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