November Topic

As it is the month for NaNoWriMo--and I'm afraid I'll be slacking on my blogging for those coveted 50,000 words--I've decided that I'm going to do something a little different. I'll have to admit I'm kind of stealing this idea from a blog I love--abiqutie--but assure you that she's much better than I am.

So anyway, I'm going to do pictures this month. I'm just sure I'll be popping my comments and thoughts in whenever I have a spare minute but I'm also going to be typing at least 1,642 words a day on top of my English Composition class (and work, and babies, and Thanksgiving) so I was hoping photos would take the edge off a little.

Enjoy the change of pace and wish me luck on my month of novel writing!



Unknown said…
Don't blame you for posting more pictures this month while doing NaNo. I'm going to be hard pressed to get out regular blogs this month, but I've got a little extra time saved up here and there. Looking forward to your pictures.
Claire said…
good luck on the novel! What little of your writing that I've read on your blog has already shown what a gift you have for writing! You are a really great writer.
Cannwin said…
Oh, thank you guys. I'm really excited for this month but annoyed at how slow the nano site is already. poor people, they can't seem to catch a break over there.

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