And We're Dancing

On my way to work last night there was this song on the radio that I hadn't heard in a while and it made me remember being a teenager. Or more specifically going to dances when I was a teen, namely church dances. See it used to be (I don't know if they still do this since I haven't worked with the teens at church in a while) that the church would sponsor dances for teens between the ages of 14 and 18... highly chaperoned dances... it was the highlight of my life until I was about 16. Every other week we'd go somewhere around the area to whichever church gym the dance was being held at. Then we'd dance our hearts out.*

But as dances can go, especially chaperoned ones, there's only so much going in circles you can do before you get bored. That's when the DJ would put on some line dance music.

Do you guys remember line dancing! I love line dancing** my most favorite was the Electric Slide. Lol, so that's what I was thinking about in the car on the way to work. Line dancing.

I can still remember the rush I got out of it. (And I have to say after watching some of the YouTube video's I was much more enthusiastic about it then they seem to be.) It would be the biggest deal for everyone there, we'd all squeal in delight and line up in a hurry.

The other one I really enjoyed was "Fishin' in the Dark" (which I couldn't find a good line dance video for)

Have you seen the movie Step Up... they have a line dance in there that looks pretty fun...

But of course line dancing seems to be out of style anymore *sigh.* It's the good things in life that always seem to be tossed aside.

Or have I just become officially 'old'?


*I still love to go dancing, but I never get to and I miss it alot sometimes.

**I actually took a PE class in High School all about line dancing. It was fun... but totally nerdy.


Sara said…
i remember fishing in the dark and the electric slide! That was fun but I roll my eyes now at Dale's work parties when I see adults doing the line dances.

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