Brave Little Boys and Tearful Little Girls

What a weekend! It's official I've been completely Ebenezered this year and have no desire for Christmas whatsoever.

First there was the vomiting (as noted in my recent blog) and the poor baby was just having a rough time of it two days after he'd started he was still going at it. The older two had blessedly passed the worst when on the third day we woke to the baby having some serious diarrhea. Now I only tell you that lovely detail because he hadn't been keeping anything down and I was starting to get concerned so I did what any sane mother would do, I made a Dr.'s appointment for that afternoon.

We went, they took his blood and then upon finding that he was dehydrated (his Co2 in his blood was at 15 when it should have been at the least 21) they admitted him to the hospital.

Yes, my 22 month old baby was in the hospital all weekend with a little I.V. dangling out of his arm and all bandaged over to prevent him from pulling on it.

He was admitted at 4 PM ish on Friday night and we weren't able to leave until Saturday around 6 PM ish. Ralexwin took the all nighter since the hospital doesn't serve food from 7PM-7AM and we knew I'd be a complete mess without food for that long and then in the morning I came and traded off so he could sleep.

They put two big bags of fluid through his little system before his blood tests went back up to normal and we were so glad when he got home (so was he, I've never seen him fall asleep so fast and sleep so long as the night he got home).

Anyway if that wasn't enough, when we did get home the girl child started throwing up again and we spent the rest of that evening dealing with that. Then today we awoke to the baby throwing up again and as I was on the way to help my husband I had to make a detour to the bathroom to do a little retching of my own.

Will someone throw me a freaking bone here!? I've missed nearly all my shifts at work for the last week. We have a whopping 5 presents wrapped. The entire house reeks of sickness and I don't have the energy to clean it.

In your prayers throughout the next week would you guys mind reminding God that there's this little family in South Dakota that He seems to keep missing when He's raining all those blessings down.

Have a good day everyone.


IB said…
I'll send you some good might help, you never know. Feel better soon.

Anonymous said…
You have my sympathy. Those are the times that try mom's souls.
Winsor said…
I am so sorry you had a horrible weekend. I am glad your youngest is doing better.
Lindsay said…
i'm scroogy too this year. you can be part of my 'bah humbug' club. Glad everything was eventually ok with your 'baby'. hang in there ... a new year is on it's way.
Lisa said…
I will never complain again about sick kids. You have one-upped us all.

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