Me, Myself and I: Parts 5-10

5. I've always secretly wanted to be a jet fighter pilot. I think it would be alot of fun.

6. I love spy movies, especially the ones with nifty gadgets. I grew up on James Bond movies (which actually surprises me now... what were my parents thinking letting a child watch that?)

7. I have a phone calling phobia. I'm constantly worrying that I'm bothering whomever it is that I'm calling. This lends itself to lots of excuses for not making cold calls to various businesses or church associates.

8. When I was a Sophomore in High School my then worst enemy in the world (we're actually friends now) and I wore the same dress to prom. It was a horrible experience for the both of us.

9. I've never broken a bone. I've cracked some and sprained more but I've never had a full cast.

10. I can't stand most condiments and sauces. I always order my burgers with cheese plain (meaning they only have cheese on them) and I eat my salads without dressing. I eat my spaghetti with just cheese unless I'm in some social setting that requires me to be polite in which case I'll chug a lot of water after every bite. Even my sandwiches are sauce free. It's a very odd quirk of mine.


Lisa said…
Odd quirk indeed. Do you not like the taste of condiments or do you just like it a dry?

I'm curious.
Cannwin said…
It's all about the taste and texture. Well and when I get thinking about it I start realizing that it's like pure fat and then I gag but really that's WAY down the path, I usually don't get that far. I've been that way since I was a kid. I don't even really like BBQ sauce even though I can eat it if there isn't an excess. Do you have an odd quirk?

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