
Ralexwin has been working hard on a 20 page paper that needs to be ready to present in front of the South Dakota Supreme Court. *gasping for air* I can't even imagine, the thought of it gave me nightmares for a week. So, loving wife that I am, I've been trying to help him clean it up a little bit. I have to admit though, that I get a little lost when I come across phrases like:
"given the totality of circumstances, a trier of fact could not find by a preponderance of evidence that consent was given."


I said to him then, "Dear, I think this might be over my head."

"No it's not honey, you're an excellent writer."

"Yes, but I didn't even understand that.... Is it in English?"

The poor man had to break it down for me. Here I am trying to help him while he does some other work and he has to translate. I can't even tell him if it's written well because I can't understand it!

*sigh* I guess I'll learn something from his schooling as well.


IB said…
While I may not be the right fit ( chromosomally speaking) I think I could make an excellent mommy-blogger.
Jennifer said…
Congratulations! That's wonderful news. Make sure you post a link here to your posts over there when they happen so we don't miss them.

Anonymous said…
Why does he need to write this 20 page paper for SD's supreme court?
Cari Hislop said…
Esperity, you make me laugh. I can just see you sitting there saying..."Honey, I don't understand it even in English?"

This is your punishment for marrying a civil enguineer who decided to become a get to help him write lawyer-speak! Lucky you!

Did I tell you I love your new background? Snazy!
Claire said…
I was a very awesome legal assistant in my former life in California. I worked for some very well respected attorneys and am always willing to lend a proof-reading hand. Reading Legalese is a bit of a gift I've discovered so don't get too down on the fact that it doesn't appear to actually be in English! It's actually a very straightforward yet coded language. I think they do it on purpose so they can justify the outrageous fees to their clients. I'm sure you'll be fluent by the time he's done with law school.
Polly Blevins said…
It must be hard being married to someone so smart, at least he is patient.
Cannwin said…
Ivy... Why? Because his teacher's like to torture him and it's evidently a way of educating students. I think it should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. I'd rather speak in front of a congregation at church of a few hundred than the 5 people that sit on that court... whew, it makes me sick to think about.

IB... Yes, you may be a good mommy blogger. But I think they'd refer to that as parent-blogging to be PC.

although it doesn't sound as fun

Claire... I'll be sure to call if I get to confused

Jen, Polly, Cari... love you too.
Jamie said…
I actually took a 500-level English class--a two-semester seminar--on "legalese", I kid you not. My prof was a law professor at UA and had done law school at Yale and we spent a year dissecting legalese--learning vocab, structuring arguments after reading tons of opinions and books and stuff. It was way fun.

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