Terrible Tremendous Two's

My littlest one is dos (that's two in spanish) today. I'm so excited and sad. They shouldn't be allowed to grow up this fast.

Okay, okay maybe I was really happy when his older brother grew up a little more and past the terrible two and the torturous three's (seriously three year old's have always been worse in my house) but with my little Iyawin I'm sad because he's been a gem of a child so far and I hate to see him grow up. I mean look at him...
He makes me want to snuggle up in a warm blanket and just read him stories. He makes me want all of them to just STOP!

Please quit putting mom through this because she just adores every one of you and she wants to remember every moment.

But I suppose I am excited for him to talk more, and to potty train. And I am excited to see him learn to read and enjoy the books he carries around with him. And maybe he'll want to join the army someday, unlike his older brother who wants to be a crayon maker.

Whatever it is I hope it takes just a little while longer to get here because it breaks my heart to see them grow up and away from me.

Happy Birthday little Iyawin... sorry I have to work tonight. I love you.


Polly Blevins said…
Happy Birthday!!! Good thing you have another one coming to cuddle up to.
Lisa said…
I try to remind myself to enjoy each stage and not rush them growing up. Sometimes I wish Hannah were going off to college.

Thanks for the post, I need to be more like you and not want them to grow up.

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