Plinky Prompt: List Your Rules for a Healthy Relationship

1. State the nature of the relationship and the longevity of it.
Example: Discuss divorce with your love before you marry.

2. Keep humor alive, even when arguing.

3. Ban sarcasm (which I've learned means "flesh burn").

4. Communicate, communicate, communicate.
You: When you do ______ I feel ______ because_______.
Him/Her: So your saying _____________?
You: Yes (or no).
Switch sides.

5. Continuing counseling and support groups.
We went to a marriage retreat a while back and they told us that the chances of a marriage surviving are about 60% (in the US). If the couple goes to marriage counseling just before or just after marriage those odds go up to 80%. That's a huge return for minimal work.

6. Have children... it keeps you connected to a common goal.

7. Go to church together.

8. Go on dates.

9. Take time out for yourself and allow your love to do the same.

10. Call your wife your 'beautiful bride,' it makes her feel young.

11. Never fight with your clothes on. (hehehe)


Jennifer said…
Remind yourself on a regular basis of all your spouse's good qualities that you fell in love with. Especially do this when your spouse seems to be completely chockful of annoying qualities. :)

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