Did You Hit Him?

So the kids are out playing in the water when I hear this WHAP! And then the baby is crying. I go outside just sure I know what's happened (since it's pretty common). And what do I find? A 2 year old boy with a bright red hand print on his back and his brother standing nearby acting as innocent as the day he was born.

“Did you hit him?” I asked, rather exasperated.

“No.” Was the reply.

“Come here.” I say, turning the baby around so his brother can see the huge hand print. “Did you hit him?”

He's caught now, and he knows it, the evidence is pretty clear.


*insert lecture here*

I had to take a picture, but it didn't come out as well as I had hoped... camera phones being what they are and all... so I tweaked the image a little for your viewing pleasure. If you look at the bright red spot you can almost make out the image of a hand, most especially the thumb.

I think it's funny he thought he could get away with a simple 'no.' It was soooo obvious.


Claire said…
Maybe this is where the phrase "caught red-handed" came from??
Lisa said…
Ouch. My back hurts looking at that.

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