Am I A Bird?

So I can tell I've entered the last bit of my pregnancy. It's a really simple indicator, one that Ralexwin finds incredibly odd (and I hope endearing). I've started nesting.

As I say that it makes me wonder if all of you know what nesting is. Well, a brief explanation would be a that it is a sudden uncontrollable urge to for a woman to prepare her house for the baby.

My particular form of this odd natural condition is fairly irrational. With baby #1 and 2 Ralexwin found me on my hands and knees scrubbing grout. Baby #3 I crocheted a mat for the baby to lay on (and received a very concerned look from my dear man).

Yesterday the urge to prepare hit me again and when Ralexwin walked through the door at 5:30 I felt a particular need to apologize. It had been my intention to vacuum, but when I couldn't find the vacuum bags in the closet I was overcome with a need to make sure I would be able to next time.

So when he got home the hallways and floors looked like this:

And the linen closet looked like this:

You might note the labels.

Yes... Nesting is almost comical in my house. The entire place may look like a tornado passed through but the tile will be sparkling and the closets spottless. I'm glad my husband sees it for what it is, an inevitable result of pregnancy.


Lisa said…
I love nesting stories because I understand.

I vacuumed the ceilings... with the big vacuum.

Good luck with the rest of your crazy cleaning.
Jennifer said…
With Oldest Girl Child, I was overcome by the need to make sure everything was completely and utterly organized. So, I tore the house apart in preparation for putting it back together - and then ran out of energy. So she came home to a house that was a complete and utter disaster, poor thing!
Claire said…
I go through nearly 3 months of nesting at the end. It's pretty awful. With the boy, I was so gimpy that I had to beg and plead with Lee to let me nest by proxy. He indulged my cleaning demands for the most part but I think he thought I had lost my mind! I really hope my back is at least 80% in time for any future nesting!

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