I Have Returned!

So the baby and I are doing wonderfully (minus some very sleepless nights and a lot of spit up).

I am also pleased to announce that we have the internet hooked up in our home once more. WOO HOO! No more once a week blogs, it's back to the five days. I'm so excited I can't even wait.

As of yet all my pics of the baby are still on the camera so you will all have to wait.

For those wondering and dying to know what Remewin's name really is.... it's Rebecca Meav (the e in Meav has an accent but I don't know how to add that on the computer).

Love you all and thanks for all the emails and phone calls wondering why I hadn't blogged. It makes me feel special. :)


Kaz said…
Yay! I am so glad you are back. congratulations. I bet she is a doll.

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