29--The Eternal Birthday

My friend was telling me that her son came home from school one day and said, "Mom, it's weird but most of the teachers at school are 29."

Then this morning Ralexwin says to me... "Twenty-Nine, my love. That's the Eternal Birthday for you women." I guess it is but for me today I'm being truthful I really am 29. So I'll tell you about that day twenty nine years ago when I was born.

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Sorry, I don't remember anything. I really must be getting old.

Okay, okay. I'll tell you what I know.

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I was born in a hospital in Washington.

Haha! I'm on a roll today.

Really I don't know much about the day I was born. What I do know is that at the time of my birth my parents lived 90 miles from Mt. St. Helen's. If you know your history a little you might also know that the eruption of said volcano was 29 years ago.... my mother was pregnant with me. She tells me that the ash fell like snow onto their town, that the silence was so deep you could hear the neighbors the next street down, and that at noon the sky turned as dark as night.

I don't remember any of that either, but I think it's pretty cool. Let's investigate some more shall we?

Miles away, the city of Y, Washington - population of 65,000- was affected the worst. It was a typical spring day with the birds chirping and the sun shining. However, this typical day did not last long. About 10:00 a.m. a black cloud covered the city and "snowed" ash. A street light nor a neighbor's porch light could be seen. the ash was so heavy it sank swimming pool covers and caved in old roofs. Businesses and schools were closed down and all normal activity in daily life ceased to exist. Yakima was hit like a snowstorm and it looked like it from afar. When the ash stopped coming down and the cloud clover lifted it remained gray and dreary for days. Everywhere you looked people wore surgical masks (to keep from breathing the ash in) and swept ash off their rooftops. Any movement stirred up clouds of dust.
Yep, there I was floating around in my mother's belly soaking in all those contaminants, maybe that's why I'm so odd.

Well, however you look at it I was born in a pretty cool place at a pretty cool time in history and even twenty nine years later I still like to brag about that one little thing.

Happy Birthday to everyone else whose birthday is today! (Oh and to Kazia who turns 29 in 10 days).


Lisa said…
Happy Happy Birthday to you!!
Ethan said…
So, Blogger for some reason put my comment on the Happy/Sad blog so you can go there to read it ;).
Wes and Lindsay said…
Happy Birthday Charity! I hope you have a great one
Anonymous said…
That probably was really not fun for your mom! What month did the volcano blow?
My sister says that she remembers going to my Grandpa's funeral right after that happened and there was ash on the cars. So it blew all the way from Washington to the northeast corner of Montana. Amazing.
Hey, Happy Birthday. So are you going to stay this age or just wait and see how the year goes first?
Cannwin said…
I think the volcano blew in May of '80 my mom was about five months along with me so you do the math... does that make it may?

I'll probably just keep aging... at least for another few years. Maybe when I'm 80 I'll tell everyone I'm 29. lol

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