If I Were a Rich Man.

~List at least 10 things you love about your body. Ideas: pretty eyes, good vision, strong nails, round behind, balance, bouncy boobs, freckles ...

Since my theme for this month is 'aging and memories' I thought this 'Oma' topic would be perfect. I'm getting old, it's the truth. Many of you may be laughing right now because you know that I am only turning 29, but I can feel age creeping in on me.

I think it has to do with the four pregnancies, evidently my body doesn't particularly appreciate being in such a state. So that has aged me a bit more rapidly than perhaps others of my age group. And then there's all those little things like gray hairs and extra lines or flabby arms and a pudgy tummy. Add to all of that the simple fact that I am still just 5 weeks postpartum and suddenly writing ten things I appreciate about my body seems like a good idea.

There's this site called 43things.com and I go there (infrequently) and fiddle around with lists of things I imagine myself doing in life.

"Get a bachelors degree"
"Adopt from foster care"
"List 100 things you like about yourself"

At the pace I'm going it will take a lifetime to list 100 things... I think I'm at 25. That's fairly depressing. Why should I be depressed though!? Why should any of us be shy, unsure, underconfident about who we are?

Have you read the quote at the bottom of my blog?

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-Nelson Mandela

So I think I'll list 15 things, because I deserve to know what is wonderful about me. I deserve to focus on the positive for once instead of the negative.

So spaghetti belly step aside it's time for the good stuff to shine through!

1. I really like my eyes. I have since I was a teenager and I still do, I think they are very expressive.

2. I have a great smile. It's amazing and when someone is being extra rude I like to flash it just so I can kill them with it.

3. I have high arches which cause back problems but look great and make my feet very feminine looking.

4. I like my teeth. My parents payed a lot of money to have them straightened and I appreciate what it's done for me.

5. I have nice long fingers. Piano fingers I was once told.

6. I have a cute bum (well Ralexwin says I do and I tend to believe him).

7. I like that my hair is dark and not blond.

8. I have nice cheek bones.

9. In fact I have a nicely shaped face in general.

10. I like my toes, that are long but not freakishly so and they lack the short stubbies that makes feet look fat.

11. My neck is also long and helps to make me look thin.

12. I can keep my nails short because my nail beds are so long that they still look good that way.

13. I am smart and sometimes witty.

14. My arm and leg hairs are light colored... this is a definite plus.

15. I have long legs that look killer in heels.

This is a very healthy activity. My day already feels better... Everyone should do this.


Travelin'Oma said…
Light hairs on arms and legs—a definite asset. And I've considered those piled up neckbands hoping to create a long neck. I feel like my head sits right on top of my shoulders sometimes. (Oh, I forgot! We were trying to feel good about ourselves!) Great list.
Cari Hislop said…
You're also beautiful!!!

A few things I like about Esperity:

You're intelligent, curious, easy and fun to be around and you have an infectious laugh!!!! :)
Cannwin said…
aw, thanks cari! I'm easy to be around when I'm with you because you are so much fun to spend time with. I think you should just let us adopt you and make it all official.

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