Up, Up and Away

~Blog about a trip that was a disaster. Ideas: "Our honeymoon should have been perfect, but" or "I woke up in Disneyland with chickenpox."

It was my second time flying and my little sisters first. We were heading from Idaho to D.C. to see our older sister get married. Parental figures were all on another plane and we were alone... just a 17 year old and a 13 year old.

Oh, did I mention the 13 year old (we'll call her emarfar *hehehe*) gets motion sickness?

Take off went well... until we started actually moving. It was a good thing they had vomit bags and that the poor man sitting next to us could move somewhere else. It's a three hour flight from Salt Lake City to Chicago (I think) and my poor sister threw up the entire time. NOT JOKING. She was sobbing by the time we landed.

I tried my best to comfort her (I've never been the most patient person with sick people) and even went so far as to spend some money on a little water and some crackers. People were staring at us, she was still crying. I remember very clearly standing above her crumpled form as she begged me not to make her get back on the plane.

"It's not like we can stay here forever, dear sister of mine." I said in my most dangerous tone. Glancing surrepticiously around for gawkers. She refused to get back on the plane so I did what any good sister would do in such a situation.

I drugged her.

I don't know if it was Tylenol PM or something else, but we had some pills our mother must have given us and I gave Emarfar just enough to knock her out for the rest of the trip.

She slept from Chicago to D.C., or rather she would have except I had to wake her for the landing. I gently nudged her, she sat bolt upright, grabbed a bag and proceeded to throw up all through our descent.

We landed and my sister practically raced out of the plane (no one was really in her way at that point). She came barreling out of the doors and burst into more tears when she saw my dad and step-mother waiting.

Of course seeing their child come sobbing towards them, the lot of them looked at me with one of those accusing parental looks and I heatedly explained that I hadn't done anything to her. In fact I ought to be given some sort of award.

The flight back home wasn't so bad... she just took the drugs before getting on the plane and slept the whole way.


Jennifer said…
And may I just point out that knowing how difficult it was, made your being there all the more precious to me?

Although it does make me laugh every time I hear this story. :)
Cannwin said…
Well after I wrote that I started thinking about that trip and I realized it had been so... so much more eventful than just that. First we missed our plane so the nice people at the airport put us on another flight (mom just dropped us off). Then! while waiting for that other flight emarfar decided to do some exploring. I sat there while she wandered off and about 1/2 hour later I hear my name being called over the loudspeaker, it turns out that she'd gone and gotten herself lost (in another terminal) and I had to track her down.

It was a very memorable trip. LOL
Claire said…
ok, that sounds awful. I posted my awful plane travel story earlier, but in honor of my ex, I'll post my very worst travel story just for fun :)

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