All Hallow's Eve

I'm not really a Halloween person. If it weren't for my kids I probably wouldn't do anything. I carve a pumpkin because they want to carve a pumpkin. I don't dress them up unless they want to be dressed up. Friends will ask me, what is Remewin going to be for Halloween, and I say, "a baby."

They ask, "what are you going to be?"

"A mom."

I won't apologize for it because I really don't care.

I don't like buying costumes, it seems rather overboard. So I make them.

Making costumes is probably the part I look forward to.
The part I actually enjoy.

Two years ago Vicbowin wanted to be a 'Sparkle Fairy.' Albowin wanted to be a knight (his costume is courtesy of some pretty cool uncles and a grandma)

For Halloween last year Vicbowin wanted to be an Egyptian Princess. Albowin wanted to be a knight (again thanks to the uncles... note his shield).

This year Vicbowin wants to be Hermione Granger and Albowin wants to be a Red Ninja, Iyawin will probably be a knight.

So we have a party to go to tonight and I'm not done with the costumes. I guess I'll be needing to work on that today. *sigh*

Maybe I should enjoy this a little more.


Kim Ayres said…
In one of the Addams Family movies, there's a line about dressing up, where Wednesday is asked why she doesn't have a costume on. She replies she's going as a serial killer and they look like everyone else...

Cannwin said…
I haven't seen that one in years. Maybe I'll use that one this year. That's funny.
Cari Hislop said…
Just got off the phone with my sister whose 7 yr old wants to be a "mime" my sister starts thinking black and's a clown outfit...a specific clown outfit... and apparently no one's doing clown outfits where she lives. I told her to show the kid how to sew and let the kid make it... Helpful big sister that I am! He he he...

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