Baby Love

I spent this morning wrapped up with my baby in the rocking chair. Yesterday was a crazy day full of scrapbook paper, wood blocks, mod podge and every responsibility I typically have. I didn't get much time with my little Remewin and we were both needing it.

So I decided to put off my morning for a little while, wrap my arms around my baby and fill up my love reserves. She was happy to oblige.

That's the nice thing about babies. They love to cuddle.

I realized the toll this month is going to take on everyone yesterday when Iyawin fell asleep curled in my arm. These little ones need my attention just as much as the older ones need my devotion. I will have to work better at stopping what I am doing to hold, kiss, and care for each one of them individually.

Being a mother really does make you re-evaluate your list of priorities.


Cari Hislop said…
There's a reason they love's because you're lovely! :)
I think the last time I sat and rocked a wee infant was about nine years of my nephews...he was so cute (still is) he looked like Captain Picard in miniature. One day I took him for a walk in the stroller to let my sister have a nap. I ended up at K-mart and this old man came up to me and looked at the baby and said, "What's his name?" and my brain went blank. I had to say, "I can't remember." He gave me an odd look and walked away. I'm just glad he didn't call the police!!! :/
Cannwin said…
Your hilarious. Why didn't you just make something up on the spot? I can't even imagine that happening, although I have some nephews who when they were younger looked so much alike that for the life of me I couldn't tell them apart... I can't remember how I kept their names straight.

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