Guest Blogger: Vicbowin

Tonight is my birthday, I am so excited that I am eight. I don't think I will forget it. I get to stay up as late as I want on my birthday even though I usually stay up till seven.

I've gotten an early present that is a bracelet maker. Mom and I played dress up games on the computer.

This one is my favorite:

Mom and I made more and here they are. Mine:


Mom thinks it's interesting to see the difference in our styles (mom's words).


Cari Hislop said…
TO: Vicbowen
What a lovely post! Happy Birthday!!!

TO Cannwin
It looks like Vicbowen may grow up to be a Glam-rocker! :) I love your fairies!!!
Cannwin said…
I know! She's all about the imbellishments. When I did the girl with the red, black and white shirt she said, "Eww don't make her wear those bunchy pants." *rolls eyes*

The thing is when she puts it all together it looks pretty good. Maybe I should send her your way for a summer so she can get some hands on training with someone who actually CAN design. ie not me

Cari Hislop said…
She's a little young, but if she was a few years older I'd happily drag her around London and give her a pre-college crash course on fashion design, but I suspect her Mother would leave the said daughter at home and come in her place!!! ;)

If you ever want to come stay for a week or so you know you'd always be welcome!!! Give me 24 hour notice and I'll even clean the house for you and make sure the blow up bed holds air all night! :)
Cannwin said…
24 hour notice? lol if only I could hop on a jet and fly around the world on 24 hour notice. Perhaps someday when we're terribly rich. But I'd be more than happy to come visit you again. And maybe I'll send her your way when she's older too. :)

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