The World IS Flat!

The Irish Twins had their birthdays this last week. So I naturally made the birthday cake. Last year's cake I took a big risk and made a jack-o-lantern (the creation of orange frosting is a fine art).

This year the kids spent the entire summer pointing out any cake they liked.

"Mom! I want that one with the five layers!"

I can't do five layers. I can't do two layers. I am a strict one layer cake decorator.*

Then one of the munchkins spotted an Earth cake. That got me thinking "I just might be able to do that" (blue frosting being much easier than orange).

So that's what I did:

I'm not quite sure how Europe is shaped, but I've never lived there so I can justify myself. I mean I don't really know what Pennsylvania looks like either.

But by the time I made it to Africa my hand was starting to ache and the Mischievite had discovered I was frosting a cake. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't in on the planning sessions for Earth Design.


*Cake orders available, I charge $100 a cake.


Anonymous said…
Great cake. I like the squiggles. I wouldn't have thought of that.
Cannwin said…
It was my way of being artsy. And hiding the fact that I can't decorate cakes.

Er... I mean that I'm the best decorator ever. Definitely worth the $100. ;)
Jennifer said…
Such a cool cake. I love it! I'm lousy at cakes, but I keep trying. I still make really frightening birthday cakes (why, oh, why do the stupid things always start slipping off to the side?) but they are at least not as scary as they were 10 years ago. :D
Cannwin said…
As I said I don't do two layer birthday cakes. I have a nine (maybe it's bigger) inch spring form that works nicely for the entire bowl of batter so I dump it in that pan, slide it into the oven and brush off my hands.

No fussing about two layers.

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