I Can See!

I keep forgetting to post about Albowin's new glasses. So I got up extra early to do so today (okay, I really didn't get up because I wanted to blog, but I was up and thought this was as good a time as any).

So the story goes like this-- I went in for parent/teacher conferences last month and among the many things we discussed was a concern Albowin's teacher had about his eyesight.

I honestly had never thought of this. (Which is a bit odd since all but one of my siblings have glasses.) Albowin has never complained about not being able to see and I hadn't seen any signs at home of him not being able to see... I mean, sure he was a bit clumsy (okay he was REALLY clumsy) but I had always attributed that to not having the best coordination.

Well, his teacher said that he sat in the second row and was always getting up and walking to the front to see the board.

I decided that since the insurance pays fully for kids eye exams I might as well take him in.

I expected him to pass.

It became apparent on the second largest line of letters that he wasn't going to.

And the third line...

And the fourth line...

By the fifth line I was shaking my head and wondering how we had never noticed this.

The boy is blind!

20/80 with a slight astigmatism. This means that what the average person can see at 80 feet my son can see at 20 and he can't see depth properly (I think that's what an astigmatism means).

I felt so bad. Not because I didn't notice, but because the reason the poor guy never complained was that he didn't know any different. That was his world! He must have assumed that it just looked that way to everyone else too.

So we got him glasses. It was exciting being there when he put them on for the first time. I knew he was making a memory, a strong one that would stick with him for life and I was going to be in it!

"Look Mom! Look at all the nests in that tree."

"Mom, why is the ground so dirty and mushy?" (It was slushy in the parking lot)

"Did you see that kid throw that ball in the air?!"

"Woah, when I walk it looks like I'm stepping onto a mountain." (Aw, depth.)

It's amazing what the invention of glasses has done for the world, don't you think?

  Before (notice the lack of teeth)                                                              After


Claire said…
I hope this means he won't be mowing down the toddlers anymore :) All this time I just thought he wasn't paying attention! lol Glasses are wonderful. I remember when I got mine as a child. I was blind as a bat and then all the sudden I could see!!
Amy said…
I remember that moment. I was amazed that trees had individual leaves and weren't a solid green blob. :-)
Evelyn said…
We had this moment just last month. But you probably already knew that...Aren't they cute with glasses??
Cari Hislop said…
That's SO lovely! What an adorable lad! I'm so glad he can now see the world...what a wonderful Christmas gift!!!!
Polly Blevins said…
I am so happy for him. That would have been fun to see his reactions.

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