
Sometimes when I wake up in the morning I can't think of anything to blog about. On those days I do a lot of internet surfing. I go to certain sites that I know have prompts. I fish around for something funny. Every once in a while I find a real gem of internet humor. Today was one of those days. Today I found AwkwardFamilyPhotos.

Then I got to thinking. . . I wonder if I have any awkward photos floating around on my computer. So I started to look. It was a rather dismal display (I guess I must delete anything to embarrassing) the only thing I could find was the myriad of pictures with Albowin scowling:

He hates pictures.

A lot.

Not exactly awkward... just funny. My hope for something to blog about was growing dim. I clicked through my 2007 files, my 2008's and was in July of 2009 before I found this gem of throat clearing awkwardness.

Ah yes... that's about right. Leave it to the Mischievite to find a way to immortalize himself on the internet.


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