10 Things You Didn't Know About Cannwin (but wish you had)

10. I am allergic to bee's.

9. My hair is starting to gray.

8. I once dropped out of high school. (I don't ever tell anyone that... and now you all know!)
            -My junior year I stopped going. Then I moved in with my brother in another state and did my junior and senior credits in one year and graduated on time... in the honor roll.--yes, I'm that cool.

7. I got married a week after I turned twenty.

6. I have gained nearly 30 pounds since having Remewin.

5. Ralexwin and I swing dance... or used to. :)

4. I didn't get my driver's license until I was eighteen.

3. I have punched Ralexwin in my sleep before... twice.

2. I can't feel the tip of my left index finger because I cut through it when I was seventeen. (I was trying to cut a turkey)

1. I find Vladimir Putin strangely attractive.


Jessica Bair said…
Vladimir Putin? Hmmmm, not so sure about that, but I'm sure there are people that I find attractive that others think "is she outta her mind?" I'll get back to you on it.
thomas family said…
my hair has been going gray for 3 years now. michael has always wanted to take me swing dancing, i suck at dancing. i actually had to google vladimir putin to remember what he looks like, is it the shirtless thing? :)
Cannwin said…
hehehe I saw that shirtless picture of him and thought... eeew. No it's the face I think. I'm not sure.

I love swing dancing, it's one of the things that we connected on.

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