30 Blogging Prompts (Part 4 of 4)

(How good is my little award if no one votes for the blogs! Go... Vote... help out a little blog somewhere feel loved. [the poll is in the sidebar])

Fill in the blank prompts:

1. If I had a super power it would be....... because.......
2. I have always secretly wanted to change my name to......
3. When I was a kid I daydreamed about living ........
4. My favorite TV show is.....
5. The worst haircut I've ever had was......
6. When I was a child I stole..... from the store. (admit it, we all have at least once)
7. I CANNOT eat ....... because once I got sick off of it.
8. Having clutter on the surface of my ....... drives me nuts.
9. I don't understand why people think ...... is so much fun.
10. Secretly I wish I had a pet ........
11. I'm ........-aphobic. It's a totally random fear, but hey it's me.
12. When I see people in the colors ....... and ....... I immediately think........
13. My least favorite subject in school was.......
14. I thought having kids would be like ....... but now I realize its really more like ......
15. As I tumbled to the ground I realized .......
16. I wanted ...... children, but then I had one and changed the number to ......
17. If I could have any job in the world I would be .......
18. My name is ...... and I suffer from road rage.
19. I was knew someone who ended up in a hospital because they ......
20. When I go clothes shopping, it seems I always end up buying ......
21. My favorite fairy tale always was .......
22. The movie ...... terrified me as a child.
23. I was for/against the ....... war because ......
24. I frivolously and repeatedly spend money on ......
25. The time I ........ was the moment I crossed the line with my parents.
26. My favorite photo ever taken is ......
27. I think guns are .......
28. My favorite form of exercise (if I actually exercised) is .......
29. I couldn't believe the words actually left my mouth, but one time I totally freudian slipped it and said .....
30. If I had it to do all over again I would still have chosen to .......

*Extra: I don't know what my parents were thinking, but when I was a kid they let me ......


Unknown said…
HIYA! Found you over at MMB and love your blog. I am subscribing so I can for sure use these great ideas! THANKS!
Cannwin said…
No problem! Thanks for subscribing. I love new readers :)

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