30 Prompts For Writer's Block (Part 2 of 4)

(Don't forget to vote for your favorite blog! The poll is in my sidebar.)

Below is a list of key words or phrases that could be used to stimulate the mind to write.

1. Pioneer Heritage
2. Extermination Order
3. Daughters of the American Revolution
4. World War 2
5. Berlin Wall
6. Iron Curtain
7. Nelson Mandela
8. The Trail of Tears
9. Prisoners of War
10. Henry VIII

1. My favorite poem is....
2. The first story I ever wrote was....
3. When I first heard about the book....
4. I think of this book..... when I hear this song......
5. The fairytale of..... completely gives me the creeps.
6. As a child I dreamed of being a character from....
7. My name is.... and I'm a bibliophile.
8. I cried when I realized my favorite book had been destroyed.
9. My earliest memory of literature is...
10. I read this book once but now can't remember what it's called, maybe you know it.

Home and Hearth
1. My earliest memory is...
2. The first funeral I ever attended made a lasting impression because...
3. The sound of my mother's voice as she....
4. My father thought it was funny to....
5. When my sibling was born I felt...
6. I used to think that.... was a perfectly wonderful snack, until my mother caught me eating it.
7. The first thing I ever cooked was...
8. I nearly died when...
9. My worst hospital experience was....
10. My dream house is...


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