Two Down One to Go

Ralexwin finished up his second year of Law School yesterday.

That was one of the fastest years I have been through in my adult life. It seemed to go by in the blink of an eye... in half a blink, but I am still glad it's over.

So one more year left. One more year and we can be human again!

That sounds dramatic, I'm sure, but sometimes that's what it feels like.

-Scraping and saving every penny (not joking... we don't have a change jar). 

-Making every scrap of fabric last a little longer. 

-Not getting regular hair cuts.

-Spending $10 once a week to fill up a $100 gas tank.

It's almost over.

Almost over and we have no idea what we're going to do after. We could move to Utah to be closer to family. We could stay here and hope to find a job in a nearby town. We could move back to Arizona, or up to Idaho (I already tried talking him into Hawaii, but that was a no-go).

What do we do? Where do we go? We're on the brink of one of those grand adventures of life and we have no idea which path to take.

I know what you're thinking... you're thinking 'it's still a year away,' but lets all be adults here...a year is not a long time.

If you could land anywhere, ANYWHERE. Where would it be? Near family? In another country? Right where you are? What motivates where you live?


Claire said…
I made a post with my long-winded thoughts on the subject on my blog. The short answer is:

I guess I care mostly about jobs, price and natural beauty when making decisions about where to live.

Short and sweet, eh? :)
Polly Blevins said…
I am so proud of him. One more to go and isn't the 2nd supose to be the hardest? Change is kind of exciting. I think Chickamauga sounds like a good place for you to go. Just a thought.
Jennifer said…
Well, I think you should move out by me! ;)
Chelsea said…
My vote is to move back to Utah! Where would you like me to email the instructions on how to put a favicon on your blog?
Cannwin said…
That's what they're called... favicon's? Hmm.

Either-or. All my email addresses go to the same spot.

:) Thanks!
Evelyn said…
I used to say I didn't care where we ended up, but then we moved to AZ and I realized how much I would like to live next to my drive-me-nuts family. I want my children to be close to their cousins and grandparents.

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