Giveaway Winner!

After waiting ALL day for Blogger to decide it wanted to love me again I have finally gotten into my posting screen and am ready to announce a winner for my 'boredom busters bucket.'

I was planning on doing a real post today, but Blogger has thrown off my entire schedule for the day by making me sit here and wait all morning. I finally just gave up and went about my routine... scrambling to save what was left of my day.

Now my schedule is wonkis and I'm sitting in a living room staring at a pile of dishes and thinking to myself how glad I am that I took the chance to prepare the boredom bucket over the weekend.

So who won!? Are you dying to know? Are you wishing, that with the odds being really in your favor that for once in your life you might actually win something!

Well for everyone except Jackie I suggest not buying a lottery ticket anytime soon.

That's right. Jackie won my boredom bucket! Hooray for her!

But don't worry, I'm going to email all of you the list pronto so that you will be able to make your own buckets in the near future.

As for Blogger being down all morning. Who can really fault them? Once in three years isn't to bad is it? I don't think so.

Let's just hope they aren't in charge of any nuclear codes or anything.


Amy said…
Drat even with good odds I'm still not lucky. :-) Congrats Jackie!
Unknown said…
Sorry to Amy, and I hate to gloat, but YAY! I WIN!

This is so great.
I was just sitting here bored, so your it's working already!

I'm not sure I have your email to send you my address, but maybe you could email me and I'll get it off to you?

jackie.wins at gmail dot com

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