My Soldier

Ralexwin is off to train his fellow soldiers how to be better warriors.

And of course as he was leaving something happened that I'll have to deal with on my own. That's always the way it works.

When he was in Iraq our condo in Phoenix flooded (I was gone to Idaho). So while he sat there all cozy in the desert, I had to remodel our condo.

This time it's a tree in our back yard blown over last night in a storm. ::sigh::

But that's okay. It's the sort of thing us soldier's wives have to deal with in order to see our men in uniforms. Which is a definite perk.

Abigail Adams once said "I would not only have submitted to the absence I have endured, painful as it has been; but would not have opposed it, even tho 3 years more should be added to the Number... I feel a pleasure in being able to sacrifice my selfish passions to the general good."

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Besides, I have a list of chick flicks I want to watch and now is the perfect time to work my way through them.


Polly Blevins said…
I didn't know he was back in the guard. Great! Thanks for both of your sacrafices.
Cannwin said…
It's the Reserves this time actually. It was pretty sudden... he went up to 'check in' (since he was still on their rosters but inactive) and they started throwing offers at us until he finally said, "Woah, I'll take that one."

:) Back to the same ol' same ol'
Do you even call him or do you just take it all on yourself?
Cannwin said…
he's just on the other side of the state... so we'll get to talk on the phone every night... but not during the day at all.

It's just like he's away for work. His work just happens to come with a green and brown uniform. This time at least.
Cari Hislop said…
I lOVE that photo of your feet. That is so romantic!!! It's looks like the cover of a military romance novel...if there is such a thing...must be...

At least the tree didn't fall on your house. That was a blessing!

Good luck and enjoy your films. :)
Unknown said…
You are amazing. A-MAZ-ING!
Wow. What an incredible thing.
Thank you for your sacrifice.

Good luck over there!
Cannwin said…
That sounds right up your alley. A military romance.... didn't they have wars back then in regency times. I'll tell you what, you write the story and I'll let you use the picture. :)

Jackie-- thanks!
TerĂ©sa said…
I am in love with that pic!! You must have taken it, right? My husband would have laughed out loud if I told him I wanted to take a pic like that. ;)
Cannwin said…
It was a little odd asking him. I said "I want to take a picture of our legs." and he sort of just looked at me.

'Why not all of us?'

'Because you in your uniform will make it artistic. Please!'

So he allowed me the moment. I'd also like to note that I took one photo. ONE! That baby is a one shot wonder. (which is good cause I don't think he would have done more than 3)

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