
Vicbowin had her first ever softball game last night. She was very excited. Before we left for the game we had a talk about 'sportsmanship' and how we could be good sports.

No crying
No throwing a fit if you lose
No rubbing it in if you win
No crying

We had a little trouble finding her hat and some trouble with finding the right ball-field, but we had started getting ready early enough that we were still able to make it to the game on time. Things seemed to be going pretty well... for Vicbowin.

Albowin was another story entirely. He was convinced he was going to be able to play in the playground that lies just around the Parks and Rec building from where we thought her game was. I wasn't so fond on this idea, but I kept my mouth shut figuring I was just being a paranoid mother.

That was until he raced out into the street, in front of a motor home, the Mischievite hot on his heels. Moments later we realized we were at the wrong field. That was all the excuse I needed.

There was no way I was sending Albowin off with his 3 year old brother in his care a football field's length (and RV park) away. Nope, not happening.

Albowin decided his best form of retaliation was to throw a fit.

So there we were, surrounded by other parents as my seven year old began to act like a two year old. Ralexwin told me to ignore him. I did my best, but he was torturing the entire crowd with his screaming!!!

A little girl walked past. She smiled over at my son and chimed, "Hi, Albowin!"

He growled at her.

"Hey, you need to be nice!" I said, shocked and embarrassed.

"That's okay, you get used to it." The little girl said as she shrugged her shoulders and walked on.

I turned to Ralexwin with my 'please tell me I didn't just hear what I heard' eyes. He shrugged too.

Albowin kept on crying. He tried tugging at my arm, grabbing my bag and threatening to throw it. He stomped off.... then came back and cried some more.

I magnificently ignored it all and watched the game instead.

The crack of the bat as it connected with the ball sounded through the air. Little girls scrambled in every direction trying to catch the small moving object. With a little coaxing from the crowd Vicbowin's teammate made it to third. The outfielders and third baseman hung their heads in disappointment.

"LOSERS!" rang across the bleachers from right beside me.

Ralexwin was on Albowin faster than I could exclaim, "Hey!"

He grabbed Albowin by the arm and dragged him off the bleachers and across the open grass. It's very rare that I see my husband angry... it's even more rare for his children to see it.

I could hear Albowin sobbing so I turned to see what wrath his father had unleashed on him. Ralexwin face was inches from his son's. I could imagine the tongue lashing he was getting.

I turned back and enjoyed the game.

Later Ralexwin came back and Albowin chose to play tag with the patient little girl who had said 'hi'. He was running and laughing and smiling as if nothing in the world could possibly bother him.

Someday's I don't know what to do with that kid.


Polly Blevins said…
I tell you, that is what men are for. One look from Will does more than 5 spankings, 3 corner standings, and a tongue lashing from me. I think Relaxwins would be worse becaue he is way more patient than Will so the rarity of it would be the scariest part. "Oh no, I have pushed Dad too far."

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