So Far So Good

We're about two weeks into summer now and so far it's gone pretty well. The kids have done all the things on their chore charts for an entire week (and received a dollar for their hard work) and we've managed to stick to the schedule fairly well (minus yesterday when I slept with Remewin all day).

The munchkins have played in the water, camped outside with their dad, tormented librarians, gone to softball games, toured the water treatment center and made lots of meaningless crafts.

But they have also screamed "I hate you" at each other, tried to strangle one another, been grounded to each other (they had to hold hands all day), and caused my angry, ugly voice to be heard throughout the neighborhood.

Today, as a consequence of excessive bickering, I am taking them on a bike ride. Hopefully the fresh air and exercise will do them some real good.

Next week I am going to start them on a little project called the WinKid's Field Guide (a little knock-off of the Spiderwick Field Guide). We're going to explore the life around us with camera, pen and notebook.

When I was growing up summer's were full of exploration and excitement. My siblings and I spent our days in the hills behind our house, or in the barn, or in the canyon. They are some of my fondest memories. Maybe I can help my kids have some of the same.

So far so good.


Claire said…
Figures I'd try to bring you a pie while you're out getting exercise! lol
Cannwin said…
oh, you were going to bring me pie!? I feel loved.
*sigh* My kids have been on somethin' lately. I need to do some serious summer revamping!

Good luck!
Jenn said…
Try letter-boxing! My kids love it!Check out for the details.
(I also support the idea of being grounded to each other! I always made mine stand and hug each other for 1 minute for each year of whomever was oldest)

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