Top Ten

Ten Reasons Why I'm The Best Blog You Follow

1. My kids are so freakin' cute!

2. I'm whitty and know how to dispense my whit evenly throughout any topic.

3. I can be relied upon to post Monday through Friday, without fail (none of that annoying waiting and wondering).

4. I break up my posts so as to not hurt the brain with the non-paragraph.

5. I talk about absolutely anything that catches my fancy. I'm indiscriminate about genre.

6. My blog is easy on the eyes.... and heart.

7. I live in South Dakota, which makes me intriguing.

8. My kids say the darndest things.

9. I comment back!

10. I honestly sacrifice my chores to bring you your daily dose. (That's true devotion).


New Friend Fridays


Polly Blevins said…
Your kids are cute and I am glad you write everyday. I enjoy your blog. Blog on sister!
Cari Hislop said…
My favorite reason couldn't be number 3 because I'm one of those lazy wenches that can take a week to blog...but my favorite make me're funny!
Unknown said…
You are right. You are the best! BEST!
TerĂ©sa said…
You're right! Maybe when my blog grows up it will be like your blog! :D
True that! You've got a great blog!!
Ashley said…
Your blog is darling! I love the fact that your from South Dakota...I've never met anyone from South Dakota! Can't wait to follow you!

Adoring Fan,
Unknown said…
You do have a cute blog and darling kids. Visiting from NFF.
Nickie said…
I love your top ten!!! (I also sacrifice

I'm your newest follower from FF! I hope you'll stop by my little webhome and return the favor!
Oh Mandie said…
Hello, visiting from new friend fridays! You have a lovely blog!
Anestazia said…
Heyy! I'm here from Follow Me Friday!
Amy said…
Hehe...I love that when I'm sacrificing my chores to read blogs that you always have a new post. :-)

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