The Understatement

"Mom, there are mosquito's outside!"

Bite count on the Mischievite (as of Sunday June 27th) thirty-nine.


Erin Wallace said…
Poor kid! This happens to my three year old, too. They just like them because they're so sweet!

xo Erin
TerĂ©sa said…
oh, my gosh!! Poor boy! Carter's aunt said that mosquitoes don't like you if you have enough vitamin B in your blood. I don't know if it's true, just a thought.
Cannwin said…
It's true! My mother in law swears by them and this one year at the family reunion every one but our clan was eaten alive. We had been taking the vitamins though and only had a few bites.

I always forget to take the vitamin b pills though. And I asked the doctor and she said it should be fine for a child to take the vitamin b as well because it wasn't a toxic vitamin and it was something like water soluble so any excess would just go out of their system.

I forgot about that. I'll have to start taking them again. :)
Chelsea said…
That is so sad.
Polly Blevins said…
kind of miserable. Would you rather die by walking on pine needles or eaten by mosquitoes? Ask Vicbowin for me.

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