Academy for Little Ladies-Lesson 2, Only Session

Today Instructor Vicbowin is going to give us the definition of a little lady.

But first, as always, lets learn a little about her. Vicbowin has lived in 3 states. She has participated in two years of ballet, two years of gymnastics and one year of softball. Her favorite sport is softball.

Q: When you think 'little lady' what is the first image that comes to mind?

A: Sitting up straight and being polite. She wears nice, clean clothes and has a pretty bed. Basically, I think of a princess when I think of a little lady.

Q: So, if a little lady is a princess, how do you act like a princess?

A: When I act like a princess I tell my friends not to say bad words. I don't keep secrets and I follow the rules.

Q: Do little ladies burp loudly?

A: No, because it's not very lady/ princess like.

Q: Who is your favorite princess?

A: My favorite princess is me.

Q: Why?

A: Because I'm polite and I'm responsible and I'm clean.

Q: Can you spot another princess on the playground?

A: Not usually but sometimes I see someone being nice and playing with other people. I know that they're the lady because they're being more polite than the others.

Q: What reminds you that you're a lady?

A: When I'm doing crafts with Instructor Cannwin I feel happy and loved. This helps me remember that I'm a little lady. Feeling loved is important to a lady because if a lady didn't feel loved then who would she marry?

Stay tuned for our next Lesson for Little Ladies.


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