Happy Native American Day!
Here in South Dakota we have a strong sense of history. We rejoice in our vast and magnificent native heritage because we have a lot to celebrate.
10% of our population is Native American.- third largest in the country.
We have the Crazy Horse Memorial.
We have the Black Hills.
We have Wounded Knee.
We have Wounded Knee.
We don't have Little Big Horn...but they went through here to get there.
We like to remember where we came from.
So today, when the rest of the country is celebrating the discovery of our continent we in South Dakota celebrate the day when an entire civilization woke up, saw Columbus and were informed that they existed.
I'd walk up to the best house with the nicest yard, lodge my flag and proclaim it all mine. Then perhaps I would take the previous occupants as slaves to work the land and clean the house.
To bad I don't have a flag.