Irish Twins

You've seen me refer to my two oldest as Irish Twins, but I don't know if I've ever expressed to you just how close in age they are.

First lets find a good definition of what an Irish Twin is: Either of a pair of siblings born 9 to 12 months apart.

So... now that you understand what they are, let me tell you how far about they are in age.

367 days.

That's one year and 2 days apart.

In fact I'm fairly convince my munchkins were sitting in Heaven planning this whole thing out before Vicbowin even left for my womb.

I can imagine the conversation going something like this:

"I don't want you to leave me up here alone." Albowin cries sadly.

Vicbowin is crying too. "I don't want to go without you."

"What are we going to do?"

Vicbowin's eyes brighten as an idea creeps into her mind. Quickly she pulls Albowin away from the line of waiting angels and conspiratorially leans in.

"I think I know what we can do."

Albowin shifts excitedly and scoots closer. "What?"

"Okay, I'll go down now and you wait until everyone else is busy and dive through the door. No one will notice and besides. What are they going to do--stop you?"

"Hmm, I don't know. It could take years before anyone is to busy. Maybe we should set a date."

"That sounds good." Vicbowin checks her schedule. "I'm due in early October, if we time it just right you can come the next October." 

Albowin gasps, "If we do it right we can have the same birthday!"

So the two conspirators hug each other and Albowin wishes his sister-to-be good luck. Things go well and Albowin notes the day of Vicbowin's arrival on Earth. He plans his own walk through the door, but something happens... and Albowin ends up missing his chance by a full week.

He's such a wreck over it that the entire time he's in-utero he frets and worries. Finally he can feel that his body is ready and he throws himself at the barriers between him and Earth. His mother lurches up, surprised because she isn't due for another week, but Albowin doesn't care... he's been to long away from Vicbowin and his schedule is all messed up. He's determined.

It is only after his first day of life that he realizes he missed his sister's birthday by two full days.

"Dang." He mumbles to himself as he falls asleep in his mom's loving arms. Vicbowin tries to yank the bottle from his limp hands... she's not happy about it either.

That's what I imagine went on. I was the vessel by which my munchkins could carry out their little rebellious plan, but I have to admit I can't imagine either of their lives without the other...they have known nothing else but when the other was involved and I'm glad that they have that connection. However they came to it.


Polly Blevins said…
Fun post. I love those kids.
Lisa said…
Hilarious. I love the conversation!
Saimi said…
I'm sure that's EXACTLY what happened!

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